Media Library
2023-11-01: Upcoming presentation to ARC Forum, London, UK
2022-10-12: “Global Energy from Thorium,” ORNL MSR Workshop
2022-09-06: “Nuclear History and a Path Forward,” Clean Growth Leadership Network Conference, London, UK
2021-10-13: “Progress on Lithium-Fluoride Reactor Technology,” ORNL MSR Workshop
2021-04-22: “Thorium Energy for Wyoming's Future,” University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyoming
2021-01-26: “MSR Technology and our Energy Future,” NAYGN chapter, University of Georgia, (teleconference)
2021-01-13: “Liquid-Fluoride Thorium Reactor Design and Fuel Cycle,” National Academy of Sciences (teleconference)
2020-10-15: “Making the Right Choices for the first Molten-Salt Power Reactor,” ORNL MSR Workshop (teleconference)
2020-09-08: “Abundant Energy and Medicine from Thorium,” University of Wisconsin-Madison (teleconference)
2020-04-14: “The promise of thorium in meeting future world energy demand,” National Nuclear Security Administration (teleconference)
2019-12-19: “Thorium and our Energy Future,” Department of Energy, Office of the Under Secretary, Washington, DC
2019-12-09: “Thorium Energy for Wyoming's Future,” Office of the Governor, Cheyenne, WY
2019-11-21: “Thorium and our Energy Future,” White House Office of American Innovation, Washington, DC
2019-11-14: “Competitiveness of Small Modular MSRs,” International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, Austria
2019-11-03: “Energy from Thorium in Wyoming,” Wyoming Legislative Joint Committee on Minerals, Casper, WY
2019-10-03: “LFTR Online Chemistry,” ORNL MSR Workshop, ORNL, TN
2019-08-29: “A Coal Bridge to a Nuclear Future?” KY Governor's Local Issues Conference, Louisville, KY
2019-07-24: “Update for BRS Ventures,” Abu Dhabi, UAE
2019-07-24: “Medicine and Energy from Thorium,” presentation to Ministry of Health, Dubai, UAE
2019-07-01: “Medicine and Energy from Thorium,” Dubai Science Park, Dubai, UAE
2019-06-05: “FOA Update and Lessons Learned,” MSR Tech Working Group, Washington, DC
2019-06-03: “Thorium and our Nuclear Future,” NAYGN session, NEI Nuclear Energy Assembly, Washington, DC
2019-04-04: “LFTR Technology,” Millennial Nuclear Caucus, Richland, WA
2019-03-19: public comments to Tennessee Valley Authority, Huntsville, AL
2019-03-13: “Thorium and our Nuclear Future,” Office of Senator James Risch, Washington, DC
2019-02-19: public comments to Tennessee Valley Authority, Murfreesboro, TN
2019-01-23: “Thorium and our Nuclear Future,” Milltrust Science and Technology Day, London, UK
2019-01-21: “Thorium and our Nuclear Future,” Environmental Defense Fund, London, UK
2019-01-14: “LFTR Technology,” NAYGN Student Chapter, University of Georgia, Athens, GA
2019-01-14: “LFTR Technology,” Institute of Nuclear Power Operations, Atlanta, GA
2018-12-13: “LFTRs and Our Nuclear Future,” Women in Nuclear Winter Webinar
2018-10-29: “Thorium Panel Discussion,” ThEC2018, Brussels, Belgium
2018-10-29: “Conference Inspiration,” ThEC2018, Brussels, Belgium
2018-10-04: “Molten-Salt Technology and Fission Product Handling,” Oak Ridge National Laboratory, TN
Kirk Sorensen discusses the central role that fluorination plays in the handling of fission products in molten-salt reactors, and how new fluorination technology may resolve previous challenges, at the 4th MSR Workshop at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, on October 4, 2018.
2018-10-02: “Reimagining Nuclear Energy with MSR Technology,” Nuclear Suppliers Workshop, ORNL, TN
2018-07-26: “Molten Salt Reactor Technology,” Nuclear Regulatory Commission
2018-07-23: “LFTR Technology,” MeV Summer School, Argonne National Laboratory, Illinois
2018-06-26: “Isotope Production from Molten Salt Reactors,” Savannah River National Laboratory, SC
2018-05-21: “Abundant Energy and Medicine from Thorium,” NAYGN session, Atlanta, GA
2017-11-13: “Energy from Thorium,” Michigan State University (teleconference)
2017-11-06: “Energy (and much more) from Thorium,” Argonne National Laboratory, IL
2017-09-12: “Medical Isotope Production in LFTR,” Montreal, Canada
2017-07-27: “Energy and Pu Consumption in LFTR,” Argonne National Laboratory, Illinois
2017-07-10: “LFTR and the Intermountain Power Plant,” IPA, West Jordan, Utah
2017-04-22: “Abundant Energy and Medicine from Thorium,” TN Tech University, Cookeville, Tennessee
2017-02-22: “Abundant Energy and Medicine from Thorium,” Utah State University, Logan, Utah
2017-02-09: “Thorium and our Nuclear Future,” Platts Nuclear Energy Conference, Washington, DC
2016-11-16: “Thorium and our Nuclear Future,” University of Tennessee, Knoxville
2016-10-19: “The Liquid-Fluoride Thorium Reactor,” Utah State Legislature, Salt Lake City, Utah
2016-10-17: “Thorium and our Nuclear Future,” University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyoming
2016-10-14: “Thorium and our Nuclear Future,” University of Idaho, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho
2016-10-13: “Chemical Engineering for the LFTR,” University of Idaho, Moscow
2016-10-05: “Thorium and MSR Fuel Strategies,” Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Tennessee
2016-09-07: “Unlocking the Energy of Thorium,” NEI, Washington, DC
2016-07-24: “Products and Energy from Thorium Reactors,” Delft, Netherlands
2016-07-21: “Chemical Processing in the LFTR,” IAEA, Vienna, Austria
2016-06-23: “Valuable Products and Reliable Energy from Thorium Reactors,” 3M, Maplewood, MN
2016-04-28: “Medicine and Energy from Thorium Reactors,” Millard Co, Fillmore, UT
2016-04-22: “Medicine and Energy from Thorium Reactors,” AEC2016, New York, NY
2016-03-14: “Engineering for the LFTR,” Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA
2016-03-03: “Chemical Engineering for the LFTR,” Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah
2016-03-02: “Solving Important Problems with Thorium Reactors,” Idaho State Capitol, Boise, Idaho
2016-02-10: “LFTR Technology,” Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Tennessee
2016-02-04: “Thorium and Molten Salt Reactors,” Danish Society of Engineers, Copenhagen, Denmark
2016-01-19: “Solving Important Problems with Liquid-Fluoride Thorium Reactors,” Abilene Christian University, Texas
2015-11-11: “Energy from Thorium and its Western Connection,” Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah
2015-10-15: “LFTR Development,” Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Tennessee
2015-10-13: “LFTR, the Ideal Pathway to Thorium,” ThEC2015, Mumbai, India
2015-09-22: “Chemical Processing in the LFTR,” University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah
2015-08-25: “Solving Important Problems with Thorium Reactors,” Idaho State Capitol, Boise, Idaho
2015-06-29: “Liquid-Fluoride Reactors for Power Generation,” IPP, Delta, Utah
2015-06-29: “Liquid-Fluoride Reactors for Power Generation,” Materion, Delta, Utah
2015-05-13: “LFTR Development Opportunities,” Idaho State University, Pocatello, Idaho
2015-04-17: “The Promise of Thorium,” TU Delft, the Netherlands
2015-03-12: “The Promise of Thorium,” University of Queensland, Australia
2015-03-07: “Chemical Processing in the LFTR,” Monterrey Tech, Mexico
2015-02-17: “Abundant and Reliable Energy from Thorium,” UT Energy Week, Austin, Texas
2015-02-02: “Innovative Chemical and Medical Products from LFTR,” UC Santa Barbara, California
2015-01-17: Tour of UC-Berkeley Compact Integral Effect Test (CIET) facility
2015-01-16: “LFTR Chemical Processing and Power Conversion,” UofUT/UCB
2015-01-15: “Liquid-Fluoride Thorium Reactor Development Strategy,” CAES, Idaho Falls, Idaho
2015-01-13: “Prospects for Thorium-Based Nuclear Power,” University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah
2014-11-20: “Thorium and the Liquid Fluoride Nuclear Reactor,” Georgia Power, Atlanta, Georgia
2014-10-15: “Thorium Research in the Manhattan Project Era,” Baker Center, Knoxville
2014-10-11: “Thorium can give humanity clean energy,” TEDxColoradoSprings
2014-07-23: “Flibe Energy LFTR Development,” Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee
2014-03-21: “Thorium and a Sustainable, Efficient Energy Future,” Abilene Christian University, Texas
2013-11-04: “All-Party Parliamentary Group Meeting,” House of Lords, London, UK
2013-10-28: “LFTR Development Strategy,” ThEC2013, Geneva, Switzerland
2013-10-02: “Liquid-Fluoride Reactors for Power Generation,” National Research Foundation, Singapore
2013-10-02: “Liquid-Fluoride Reactors for Power Generation,” Energy Studies Institute, Singapore
2013-10-01: “Liquid-Fluoride Reactors for Power Generation,” INSEAD, Singapore
2013-09-25: “Liquid-Fluoride Reactors for the MENA Region,” Dubai, UAE
2013-09-19: “Sustainable Energy from LFTR Technology,” Ohio State University
2013-07-26: “Liquid-Fluoride Reactors for Power Generation,” EPRI, Charlotte, North Carolina
2013-03-07: “Thorium and a Sustainable, Efficient Energy Future,” IEEE Aerospace Conference, Big Sky, Montana
2013-01-30: “Liquid-Fluoride Reactors for Power Generation,” UNIST, Ulsan, South Korea
2013-01-03: “Radioisotope Production in Liquid-Fluoride Reactors,” Southern Research, Birmingham, Alabama
2012-11-16: “Sustainable Energy from Thorium,” Sloan Finance Forum, MIT
2012-11-15: “Liquid-Fluoride Thorium Reactors,” Massachusetts Institute of Technology
2012-10-29: “Liquid-Fluoride Thorium Reactors for Power Generation,” CREA, Denver, Colorado
2012-10-17: “Radioisotope Production in Liquid-Fluoride Reactors,” Germantown, Maryland
2012-09-13: “Liquid-Fluoride Reactors for Power Generation,” Alabama Power, Birmingham, Alabama
2012-08-30: “A Global Alternative: Energy from Thorium,” Wyoming Nuclear Task Force
2012-07-30: “A Global Alternative: Energy from Thorium,” Huntsville, Alabama
2012-06-05: “Interview with ORNL MSR Engineers,” Oak Ridge, Tennessee
2012-05-31: “Energy from Thorium–A Global Alternative,” TEAC4, Chicago, IL
2012-04-25: “A Global Alternative: Energy from Thorium,” Connections 2012, Singapore
2012-04-17: “Thorium for Generating Carbon-Free Energy,” University of Evora, Portugal
2012-03-27: “Liquid-Fluoride Thorium Reactors,” McLean, Virginia
2012-03-21: “Energy Security and the Potential for Thorium,” POST Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii
2011-12-16: “Thorium MSR: Why Didn't This Happen?,” Google
2011-10-10: “Introduction to Flibe Energy,” ThEC2011, New York, New York
2011-10-02: “Better Energy by Design using Thorium Fuel in Fluoride Salts,” Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island
2011-09-15: “Thorium for Generating Carbon-Free Energy,” Friends of the Earth, London, UK
2011-09-13: “Flibe Energy and the Liquid-Fluoride Thorium Reactor,” NNL, Sellafield, UK
2011-09-09: “Flibe Energy and the Liquid-Fluoride Thorium Reactor,” DECC, London, UK
2011-06-20: “Generating Safe and Reliable Energy from Thorium,” INCOSE, Denver, Colorado
2011-05-12: “Introduction to Flibe Energy,” TEAC3, Washington, DC
2011-04-01: “Safe and Sustainable Thorium Energy,” TEDxYYC, Calgary, Alberta
2011-03-31: “Liquid Fluoride Thorium Reactors,” PROTOSPACE, Calgary, Alberta
2011-03-31: “Liquid Fluoride Thorium Reactors,” Mount Royal University, Calgary, Alberta
2011-03-17: “Safe and Sustainable Energy from Thorium,” NASA Glenn Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio
2011-01-13: “Save the Uranium-233 to Save Solar System Exploration,” Google
2011-01-12: “Energy Security and Independence through LFTR,” Founders' Fund, San Francisco, California
2010-11-01: “Is Nuclear Waste Really Waste?,” Google
2010-10-18: “Keynote Address,” ThEC2010, London, UK
2010-09-22: “Public Advocacy and Industrial Activities for Thorium MSR,” Oak Ridge National Lab, Tennessee
2010-09-20: “The Thorium Fuel Cycle and SNF/Fission Products,” University of Tennessee, Knoxville
2010-08-31: “Statement to Blue Ribbon Commission,” Washington, DC
2010-04-26: “Thorium and the Liquid-Fluoride Thorium Reactor,” Huntsville, Alabama
2010-03-29: “A Path Forward to a Independent Energy Future Enabled by Thorium,” TEAC2, Mountain View, California
2009-10-26: “LFTR Technology,” Ohio Aerospace Institute, Cleveland, Ohio
2009-10-19: “Keynote Address,” TEAC1, Washington, DC
2009-07-20: “Lessons for the Liquid-Fluoride Thorium Reactor,” Google
2009-07-05: “Thorium and the LFTR for generating carbon-free energy,” Manchester, UK
2008-11-03: “Thorium-Based Nuclear Power,” Climate Workshop, Washington, DC
2008-07-27: “The Road to Green, Sustainable Nuclear Power,” NASA Glenn Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio
2007-04-25: “A Small, Mobile Molten-Salt Reactor,” University of Tennessee, Knoxville
2006-08-08: “Brief History of the Liquid-Fluoride Reactor,” Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio
2006-05-25: “Energy from Thorium using the Liquid-Fluoride Reactor,” NASA Glenn Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio
2005-12-07: “Molten Fluoride Reactors for Naval Power,” Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, California
Video Interviews
2023-03-31: “Can thorium nuclear energy make a comeback?”
2019-01-23: “Milltrust Science and Tech Day”
2014-02-03: “Interview with Kirk Sorensen, Flibe Energy”
2012-06-16: “Driving Force Radio: Kirk Sorensen and Bryony Worthington”
2012-04-10: “Interview with Kirk Sorensen, Flibe Energy”
2011-02-17: “Dr. Kiki's Science Hour 84: The Nuclear Alternative”
2010-11-01: “Scientists hail metal thorium as alternative source of energy”
Audio Interviews
2014-03-24: “Rediscovering the lost promise of thorium”
2013-11-20: “China Leads in Development of Thorium”
2013-07-18: “Power Hour: Kirk Sorensen on Thorium”
2012-08-04: “Exploration of Thorium's Potential as an Energy Source”
2012-02-28: “Nuclear Power Without the Nasties?” (download MP3)
2011-05-28: “Thorium Could Be Our Energy ‘Silver Bullet'”
2010-10-29: “Thorium, safer and cleaner than nuclear fuel”
2010-03-22: “Thorium: a future energy source?”
Select Print and Web Coverage
2023-10-02: “ORNL molten salt concept could lead to 'smartphone' of reactors,” Oak Ridger
2022-09-23: “Advanced Nuclear Moves Beyond Water and Into Salt,” Breakthrough Institute
2018-11-05: “Is Thorium the Fuel of the Future to Revitalize Nuclear?,” Power Engineering
2018-07-13: “Flibe Energy gets DOE funding for nuclear research,” C&EN
2017-02-25: “A forgotten war technology could safely power Earth for millions of years,” Business Insider
2016-09-28: “What's the Difference Between Thorium and Uranium?,” Machine Design
2016-07-13: “How Technology From the 50s Could Answer Our Growing Energy Problem,” Huffington Post
2016-02-08: “VS Investeert Weer In Gesmoltenzoutreactor,” De Ingenieur
2016-01-21: “Guest physics speaker brings info on new technology,” ACU Optimist
2015-08-20: “Kirk Sorensen—Thorium's One-Man Band,” Real Clear Energy
2015-02-18: “UT Energy Week panelists say nuclear energy will power the future,” Daily Texan
2014-03-19: “Chinese going for broke on thorium,” UK Telegraph
2013-12-20: “US government lab behind China's nuclear power push,” Reuters
2013-12-01: “Think Thorium,” The Engineer
2013-11-11: “The nuke that might have been,” The Economist
2013-06-10: “Salt of the Earth: the promise of thorium,” The Engineer
2013-01-06: “China blazes trail for thorium,” UK Telegraph
2012-12-05: “Nuclear energy: Radical reactors,” Nature
2012-05-01: “SuperFuel,” Richard Martin, Palgrave Macmillan
2011-09-09: “Thorium advocates launch pressure group,” UK Guardian
2011-09-07: “Live chat: nuclear thorium technologist Kirk Sorensen,” UK Guardian
2011-05-09: “Thor's nuclear-powered hammer,” Baltimore Sun
2011-03-20: “China is leading the way with thorium,” UK Telegraph
2011-03-18: “Nuclear community snubbed reactor safety message,” ABC News
2010-08-29: “A Nuclear Dash for Thorium,” UK Telegraph
2010-07-01: “Liquid-Fluoride Thorium Reactors,” American Scientist
2010-03-16: “Safer, Clean Energy from Thorium,” Machine Design Magazine
2009-12-21: “Enter Thorium, the New Green Nuke,” WIRED Magazine
2009-12-10: “Nuclear's next generation,” The Economist
2009-07-13: “Thorium nuclear power,” UK Guardian
Selected Writings
“MSR Chemical Processing History and Techniques”, Kirk Sorensen, January 2014
“Thorium Research in the Manhattan Project Era”, Kirk Sorensen, January 2014
Other Historical Resources
Supplying the nuclear arsenal: Production reactor technology, management, and policy, 1942-1992, R.P. Carlisle and J.M. Zenzen, 1994
Containing the Atom: Nuclear Regulation in a Changing Environment, 1963-1971, J. Samuel Walker, 1992
Atoms for Peace and War: The Eisenhower Administration and the Atomic Energy Commission, Richard G. Hewlett and Jack M. Holl, Jr, 1989
Rickover and the Nuclear Navy: The Discipline of Technology, Francis Duncan, 1989
Controlling the Atom: The Beginnings of Nuclear Regulation, 1946-1962, George T. Mazuzan and J. Samuel Walker, 1985
Nuclear Reactor Analysis, James J. Duderstadt and Louis J. Hamilton, 1976
Nuclear Navy: 1946-1962, Richard G. Hewlett and Francis Duncan, 1974
Atomic Shield, 1947-1952, Richard G. Hewlett and Francis Duncan, 1969
Civilian Nuclear Power, A Report to the President, US Atomic Energy Commission, 1962
The New World, 1939-1946, Richard G. Hewlett and Oscar E. Anderson, Jr, 1962
Image Gallery